Argentina: The MST in the FIT Unidad before the ballotage on November 19

Today, in a national meeting with leaders and representatives of all provinces, which was preceded by the debate of the entire membership, the MST in the FIT Unidad debated the electoral balance and its position regarding the runoff, which it makes public and also contributes to the Left Front for agreement on a joint position.

The very harsh blow that far-right Milei received led him to make an agreement with Bullrich and Macri, that is, with part of the same caste that he criticized. And a large sector voted for Massa as a brake due to fear that Milei would win. Our first definition is to call on workers and young people NOT to vote for Milei and his reactionary anti-rights and denialist project that must be stopped.

At the same time, on the basis that they are not equal projects, we understand the democratic will of those who vote for Massa so that Milei does not win; therefore, we will not call for a blank vote or campaign in that sense.

But at the same time, we believe that Massa’s project is not a solution to the serious problems of the country and the working people; on the contrary, he is the one that today applies harsh austerity with inflation, low wages and increased poverty. And the “national unity” that he proposes with Morales and other governors is to apply more IMF austerity, debt payment and extractivism. An austerity that will not pass without repression. That is why we will not give political support to Massa nor vote for him. If he wins, surely with many of his voters, we will be together defending the social and democratic rights that he will try to violate.

For the country that comes after December 10, it is necessary to strengthen the Left Front Unity, the only alternative that is independent of the IMF and the entire capitalist sector, that is always with social demands, no matter who governs. Our front must improve and grow as an alternative, calling on thousands of supporters and voters to organize with the left to promote working class, popular and youth struggles.

Cele Fierro and Alejandro Bodart

For the National Leadership of the MST in the Left Front Unity

Taken from Periodismo de Izquierda