Nine months since April’s insurrection in Nicaragua, the scenario has significantly changed. There has been a constantly changing process in the correlation of forces in the resistance. These have been though months, signed by pain and death. In this moment,…
The PCDC (Citizen Platform in Defence of the Constitution) offered a press conference on Thursday near the UCV, where it declared on several aspects on the national and international political conflict that Venezuela is going through. They rejected “the parallel state promoted by…
In Argentina, the new year began with bad news for workers: recession, new lay-offs in the public and private sectors, rising poverty and continued inflation. And on top of this, the Macri government has implemented new raises in public services,…
On January 4, 13 out of the 14 countries that are part of the Lima Group, backed by the United States, and the top authorities of the European Union, approved a declaration in which they deny the legitimacy of the…
The Cuban Revolution gave rise to the first country that expropriated capitalism in Latin America. Its emergence, independent from the USSR, under the leadership of Fidel and Che, generated a wave of enthusiasm across the continent. Unfortunately, the Cuban Revolution,…
The brave denunciation of Thelma Fardin against Juan Darthe, accompanied by Argentinian Actresses, had a high social impact and opened doors. While the institutions re-victimize us and the media confines us to that role, women are still arguing about how…
On December 12 and 13, in Buenos Aires, the meeting of the Latin American organizations of the Anticapitalist Network took place. Comrades from Venezuela, Colombia, Nicaragua, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina participated. The SEP of Turkey, the ISO of the…
On Wednesday, December 14th, video recordings of the operative “Comando Jungla” that ended up in Camilo Catrillanca’s murder were released. The record completely crushes the thesis defended by the government, as well as the series of lies that resulted in…
Since we launched the Anticapitalist Network six months ago, we have achieved advances we would not have imagined in such a short period. We grew in number in the countries we were organized in, and we began to organize in…