Chile: The Debates Posed by the Revolution

December 1, 2019 martinc 0

…“the pronouncements that are most connected with the street”, (4) when that sector´s main activity – along with the Communist Party (PC) – has centered on attempting to institutionalize the…

Where Will the Rebellions Go in Iraq and Lebanon?

December 1, 2019 martinc 0

…(ISL) is to build this vanguard force that will bring the peoples of the Middle East together in a “Socialist Middle East Federation”. References…

Spain on a winding road

November 14, 2019 martinc 0

…very positive step that the CUP has appeared for the first time in national Spanish elections and has obtained two deputies: comrade Mireia Vehí and comrade Albert Botrán. From Socialism…

Chile: polemics and forces in dispute

November 14, 2019 martinc 0

The right-wing coalition that governs Chile is in crisis and its different wings creak. What’s new: Piñera accepts that the Constitution must be changed. The role of the Communist Party…

Brazil: who ordered to kill Marielle?

October 31, 2019 martinc 0

…house 58 at the Condominium Villas Bar minutes before the crime was committed by Élcio and Ronie Lessa! There is an urgent need to establish an investigative committee independent of…