Campaign of solidarity with Nicaragua

December 19, 2018 gabi 0

…32 were condemned to more than 15 years of prison for crimes they didn’t commit; Whereas in most cases, these political prisoners do not know the reason for their detention; nor…

Brazil: Anticapitalist Network Statement

October 30, 2018 gabi 0

…the struggles on the streets and for a consistent perspective in the PSOL. Our comrades of Alternativa Socialista in Brazil and the Anticapitalist Network internationally are committed to this task….

Brasil: Organization to confront fascism

October 29, 2018 gabi 0

…reactionary political project of the newly elected president and the need to strengthen the mobilization and a true left political alternative to confront fascism. In a completely flawed and antidemocratic…

International call to Mobilize against the G20 and the IMF

September 16, 2018 gabi 0

As organizations, processes and international, national and local movements, the working people, peasants, native, Afro, feminist; retirement / as, migrants, students, defenders of the rights of individuals and peoples, environmental commons…

International Twitter Rush for Abortion Rights

August 6, 2018 martinc 0

[embedyt][/embedyt] The Catalan organization Marea Verde Barcelona, of which our Juntas y a la Izquierda comrades are a part of, has posted a video calling for an international “Twitter…

The difficult struggle for abortion in Argentina

August 6, 2018 martinc 0

…of the Senate vote on Wednesday, it will be but another round of a struggle that will continue. Celeste Fierro, Juntas y a la Izquierda [embedyt][/embedyt] [embedyt][/embedyt][embedyt][/embedyt]…