Brasil: Organization to confront fascism

October 29, 2018 gabi 0

…reactionary political project of the newly elected president and the need to strengthen the mobilization and a true left political alternative to confront fascism. In a completely flawed and antidemocratic…

International call to Mobilize against the G20 and the IMF

September 16, 2018 gabi 0

As organizations, processes and international, national and local movements, the working people, peasants, native, Afro, feminist; retirement / as, migrants, students, defenders of the rights of individuals and peoples, environmental commons…

International Twitter Rush for Abortion Rights

August 6, 2018 martinc 0

[embedyt][/embedyt] The Catalan organization Marea Verde Barcelona, of which our Juntas y a la Izquierda comrades are a part of, has posted a video calling for an international “Twitter…

The difficult struggle for abortion in Argentina

August 6, 2018 martinc 0

…of the Senate vote on Wednesday, it will be but another round of a struggle that will continue. Celeste Fierro, Juntas y a la Izquierda [embedyt][/embedyt] [embedyt][/embedyt][embedyt][/embedyt]…

ICE: The making of an American Gestapo

July 31, 2018 gabi 0

…world to enforce the anti-Muslim “travel ban,” surveil and investigate people coming into the U.S., and participate in drug enforcement operations. With this increased funding has come the rapid extension…

Our vision of the world. Our strategy

May 4, 2018 gabi 0

…offer, died with the First World War and will not come back. That is why the urgent need for the socialist revolution remains. The complexity of the situation explains that…