By Liaison Committee – Alternativa Socialista and Luta Socialista/PSOL – ISL in Brazil How did it come to this? This question was one of the most repeated after the coup invasion and destruction of the headquarters of the three branches…
Total repudiation of the International Socialist League (ISL) to the reactionary and coup plotting mobilization of Bolsonarism. We share the statement of our comrades from #Brazil This Sunday, January 1, Bolsonarists invaded the buildings of the National Congress, the Federal…
By Liaison Committee – Alternativa Socialista y Luta Socialista/PSOL – ISL in Brazil A few hours before leaving the Presidency of the Republic, Bolsonaro is withering, but not dead politically or with the end that we wanted, imprisoned and sentenced.…
By Alternativa Socialista – PSOL Yesterday Bolsonaro was defeated, showing that half of the electorate said enough is enough to his project of war against the working class and the poor. Lula won by a narrow margin of 1.8%, 2.1…
The Brazilian elections took place on October 2. They were followed with expectation internationally by governments like Argentina’s and the so-called progressives. But also by popular and left-wing sectors, given the possibility of defeating the fascist Bolsonaro, a task that…
By Alternativa Socialista/PSOL – ISL, Brazil National elections are near and the debate on who should govern comes to the forefront. The need to remove Bolsonaro is unquestionable, but the question of who should be the presidential replacement opens tactical…
By Alternativa Socialista-PSOL / ISL-Brazil. With considerably less attendance than expected, depite a month of preparation and a massive operation using the federal machinery, Bolsonaro´s rallies shows the limits of his strength and provokes more crisis in his government. It…
By Carlos Lopes – Alternativa Socialista/ISL, Brazil Life first! This is the motto of the Cry of the Excluded 2021, a traditional manifestation of social movements and the Catholic Church that takes place annually on September 7, and this year will…
By Alternativa Socialista / PSOL – ISL Brazil Even with little preparation time, the 3rd of July confirmed the expansion of “Fora Bolsonaro” in the capitals, in many cities of the country and abroad. There are three issues that we…
By: Alessandro Fernandes and Verónica O’Kelly – Alternativa Socialista / PSOL – ISL / Brazil. On May 29 the streets became the stage of massive marches and events. On June 19 a new day of national mobilization is called and…