II International Forum on Socialist Ecological Politics. Consult all the panels

Este sábado 8/7 se llevará a cabo el II Foro Internacional de ecología política socialista impulsado por nuestra organización con 5 paneles temáticos y representaciones de distintos países en todos los continentes. Un evento global que se propone contribuir a la organización y la respuesta anticapitalista y ecosocialista frente al colapso que propone el capitalismo extractivista. Para participar contactate con nosotros a través de nuestras redes sociales, escribenos a ligainternacionalsocialista@gmail.com o contactate con las y los compañeros de la LIS en tu país.

The II International Forum on Socialist Ecological Politics will be held this Saturday, July 8, promoted by our organization with 5 thematic panels and representatives from various countries on all continents. A global event that aims to contribute to the anti-capitalist organization and ecosocialist response to the collapse that extractive capitalism offers. To participate, contact us through our social networks, write to ligainternacionalsocialista@gmail.com or contact the ISL comrades in your country.

Below are the panels and scheduled times

Panel 1: Plunder, Depredation, and Climate Migration: Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East

Panel 2: Militarization of the environment and the struggle for hegemony: War in Ukraine, nuclear threat and World War 3

Panel 3: Oil dependency, the lithium illusion and false transitions

Panel 4: Towards the COP 30 in Brazil: Latin American progressivism, greenwashing and extractivist consensus.

Panel 5: Before it’s too late: debates on the post-capitalist transition to socialism