Our strategy for the socialist revolution

May 24, 2019 gabi 0

…prohibition of layoffs and suspensions, and nationalization of non compliant companies under workers’ control. Against low wages: minimum wage equal to the cost of living, regularization of all workers, automatic…

Notes on the international economic situation

May 24, 2019 gabi 0

…or lays off. Expropriation and workers´ control. * To guarantee full employment, distribution and reduction of working hours. * Against the high cost of living, general wage increase, equivalent to…

Resolution about Europe

May 24, 2019 gabi 0

…to the crisis implied a high cost for the standard of living of the great majority: the retreat of the welfare state, the advance of privatizations, serious problems with access…

Message from Pakistan

May 24, 2019 gabi 0

…Pakistan and, in general, in South Asia. With many new and old colleagues, we have been struggling to build an international Bolshevik organization in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Iran and the…