Notes on the international economic situation

May 24, 2019 gabi 0

…demand fall -for example- of commodities, increases the weight of the public debt, the private corporate debt (of the companies), and also people´s individual debts. All this anticipates new crisis…

Resolution on climate change and extractivism

May 24, 2019 gabi 0

…capitalist accumulation / production is known as “extractivism” and consists of a general mercantilization of nature, with the use of highly predatory and polluting modes of appropriation of common goods…

Resolution on Venezuela

May 24, 2019 gabi 0

…granting a general wage increase. Also to prohibit price increases and punish any company that does not comply. 5) That the working class and the people need to get out…

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About us

May 16, 2019 gabi 0

…different currents of Trotskyism are going through at the international level and our nascent organization, in which comrades who come from different traditions have agreed to promote a revolutionary project,…

Spain: the defeat of the Trio of Colon

April 30, 2019 gabi 0

…the PSOE. Nonetheless, this result constitutes a comeback from where they were before 28A. The televised debates allowed Pablo Iglesias to recover a little and continue in the race with…

France: Notre Dame, to those who make firewood out of the fallen tree

April 25, 2019 gabi 0

…is a right-wing politician, popularly called slacker (faignant, in French). Index of the stock exchange of Paris. National School of Administration. Editor of the newspaper Liberation. Communist leader, minister…