Showing no interest in international law, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz blocked the declaration on Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian Territory at the request of the International Court of Justice to review the legality of such a takeover. A further 57…
“The world political situation as a whole is chiefly characterized by a historical crisis of the leadership of the proletariat.” (Leon Trotsky, The Transitional Program) It is almost two decades into the new millennium and the international situation is marked…
* All sources consulted (OECD, WB, IMF reports, JP Morgan forecasts), affirm -with some variations and a logical political “filter”- a common forecast: 2019 initiates an inflection of the world economy, which slows down and tends to accumulate tensions, preparing…
Considering: That the dynamic of capitalism in its epoch of irreversible decadence is the cause of a general civilization crisis, and with it, impacts the socio-ecological conditions of life on the planet, especially for the working class and the poor;…
Whereas: That, since 2015, the women’s movement and, to a lesser extent, the LGBTI movement, are leading a new wave of their struggles in defense of gender rights and for their expansion; That this rise is a very progressive response…
Whereas: The economic, political, social, cultural and democratic crisis that the workers and peoples of Europe suffer to varying degrees, as a result of the existence of the EU imperialist bloc commanded by the Troika, and Considering: That the result…
Considering: That the European Union partcipates in the imperialist interventions in the Middle East and Africa. That it is co-responsible alongside U.S. imperialism for the destruction of entire countries and for the subsequent immigration and refugee wave. The humane face…
Whereas: The struggle of the yellow vests still thrives in France and impacts large sections of the working class and peoples around the world. It began in November 2018 against a fuel tax increase: a direct attack on the pockets…
In Sudan and Algeria, uprisings have overthrew the dictators. These are political revolutions, as the mass movement has taken down the dictators, but the dictatorship regime is still in power. The bloody counterrevolution waits for the right time to attack.…
Yemen, el país más pobre de Medio Oriente, se encuentra ahora en una destructiva guerra imperialista. Lo que está pasando allí ahora es una horrible destrucción. La hambruna, la sequía y las enfermedades epidémicas amenazan a millones de personas bajo…